How My Phone’s Most Annoying Feature Saved My Life

Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.

Technology is best when it brings people together.Matt Mullenweg

Ensure that interactive elements are easy to identify

Good design guides the user by communicating purpose and priority. For that reason, every part of the design should be based on an informed decision” rather than an arbitrary result of personal taste or the current trend.

Why you should travel with friends?

Provide distinct styles for interactive elements, such as links and buttons, to make them easy to identify. For example, “change the appearance of links” on mouse hover, “keyboard focus”, and “touch-screen activation”.

Breaking down the barriers

Design is not the end-all solution to all of the worlds problems — but with the right thinking and application, it can definitely be a good beginning to start tackling them.

Journaliste diplômée de l'École supérieure des sciences et techniques de l'information et de communication (Esstic) au Cameroun. Passionnée et spécialisée des questions de santé publique et épidémiologie. Ambassadrice de la lutte contre le paludisme au Cameroun, pour le compte des médias. Etudiante en master professionnel, sur la Communication en Santé et environnement. Membre de plusieurs associations de Santé et Politique, dont la Fédération mondiale des journalistes scientifiques (WFSJ) et le Club des journalistes politiques du Cameroun (Club Po). Très active sur mes comptes Tweeter et Facebook.
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